Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Farther & Farther

As I get farther and farther from my time in Dominican Republic I am more wrapped up in trying to remember the little things. The kid whose smile warmed your heart. The poverty that makes you cringe. The 6:45 a.m coffee must haves. The moments spent in the car with Ramon when we were laughing uncontrollably. Staying up way too late girl talking, discussing political issues or explaining why in the world I chose to spend my summer in Dominican Republic. Of course recounting the overwhelming fear of sweat marks covering the entirety of my back. No matter how busy I find myself getting with homework, working to earn money, extracurriculars and maintaining/creating friendships the memories and love of DR never seems to fade to the back of my mind. While I had to leave the country, the country and the people and the memories and the love have yet to leave me.