As my time in Ghana comes to a rapid close I am left with a sense of loss, confusion and excitement. It’s a rush of emotions that one can’t really put into words, but I will try my best...
What awaits me at home is both incredible and scary. I know when I get home it’ll be amazing to see my family since I’ve missed them so much. It’ll be super nice to relax in my home with AC and Lord knows I cannot wait to cuddle with my puppy Ike. But keep in mind, I’ve spent almost half a year half way around the world. I’ve grown and changed in many ways, most, if not all are unknown to me. Not only have I experienced Ghana but I’ve lived in Ghana and I can assure you there is a massive difference. Everything about my life here has been different than it is in the States. My habits have changed and my worldview has grown tremendously. Honestly, while it may seem to you like I am coming back to a world and life that is familiar, I am not. It’s scary to think that living in America is foreign to me now. The transition back to the fast-paced, materialistic immediate gratification life style is going to be stressful, terrifying and difficult. So for those of you who I will see in the relative future I ask that you extend me grace as I navigate the transition back home.
Tonight, as I lay in my bed on my phone, typing this blog, I am laying next to KG, one of my dearest most treasured friends. I thank God that I got to go no this Ghanaian adventure with her and I probably couldn’t have survived it without her. We’re at Haven of Hope for one last night to soak up every waking hour with these kiddos. Saying goodbye knowing that in all likelihood I will never see these kids again is utterly heartbreaking and I’m not sure how much my heart can handle. I’m leaving Haven of Hope and I’m leaving Ghana in the matter of three days, so it’s fair to say my heart will be broken but it is also forever changed for the better.