Thursday, June 18, 2015


During the past three days a small group of people spent the afternoon at the home of a local woman who needed work done on her home. Might I say I have never seen a Dominican house quite this bad. Imagine a third world version of a house on hoarders. It was incredible that a family was happily living in situations like that. I'm not easily phased by the poverty I witness in this world because I've seen it but this was even hard for me to handle. A colony of at least a dozen pigeons made their home in the rafts of the roof which could not be defined as a roof. This was wood slats laid across the length of the house. It leaked so much that the couple was forced to put a mattress in the rafts to soak up the rain and pigeon poop. The amount of dirt, dust, feces and who knows what else that was haphazardly swept off the floor would make every mom in America cringe. This home was filthy, however, I never saw anything but a smile on the faces of the residents. Today the roof was finished, just in time for rain and the group was able to finish and cover an extensive off the back door to give the woman of the house a covered place to cook her food, considering using the porch isn't ideal. 

After seeing this conditions of this house and the joy of the people who live in it I am again struck by the ungrateful attitude that I and most if not all of Americans have. Poor in America is equal to the filthy rich in a third world country. Remember that no matter how bad it is for you someone out there has it much worse. You have a roof over your head, the ability to read and access this and security in the meals of tomorrow. The majority of this world does not. God has blessed each and everyone of you! Thank Him continuously for what you have even if it seems insufficient or it isn't quite what you asked for. 

Romans 12:12-13
"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality."

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